after the dark night the rooster announces the light

I remember well a sunset from more than two years ago. I was sitting around the fire, on the shore of a dreamlike lake and was surrounded by a group of people that were new to me. We were all listening to this white-bearded, wise man speaking. The man, a well known German-American ethnobotanist, was retelling beautiful tales and bringing symbols, myths and ancient wisdom to light.
How does this relate to me? To us? Right now? Well, going through Stuff, I recall his words (as best as I can):
“The girl was deep, deep in the darkness, and it seemed like the light of day will never come, yet morning arrived and the rooster crowed: cock-a-doodle-doo, our golden maid is back home! This story is about humanity right now, he said, while the fire’s crackling light reflected off his face: you will hear many people saying it is the end of the world, that nature is at it’s end and that we are going down… this, this is the darkness. But the rooster… the rooster ALWAYS crows in the morning. And Light shall follow the Darkness. It has always been this way. And so it shall be.”
As a landscaper, as a permaculture-gardener, as a sensitive, creative soul I felt my inner compass lost for some time. Disconnected from soil, friends, loved ones, and the wonderful magic of Nature and God (or however you choose to name this Universal Force of Love and Light). Bit by bit, step by step I started to feel love and life again. I have “worked” for this, yes, but nothing short of the miracle that lies in the Essence of Life itself. It has sprouted from places unknown, because life is a miracle, life is fertile, given time and the smallest, tiniest glimpse of hope and love…
We see humanity going through Stuff now. It seems big. It seems Dark. But the rooster… the rooster ALWAYS crows in the morning. Because there always IS a morning.