Home herbal skin care recipes

Body Wash
1 cup water
2 cups of liquid castile soap
4 tablespoons melted coconut oil
10–15 drops lavender essential oil or essential oils of your choice.
Never use clove oil or oregano oil directly on the skin as they will burn. If you choose peppermint essential oil, use only half of the suggested number of drops. To be safe, stick to gentle essential oils such as lavender and rosemary. Small amounts of peppermint, tea tree or other safe essential oils can be used as well.
Whisk all ingredients together in a measuring cup. Using a funnel, fill a reused body wash bottle or squirt bottle. Be sure to label. Use 1 or 2 squeezes per wash.
Invigorating Shampoo
1 cup water
1/2 cup liquid castile soap
8 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoons coconut or calendula oil
10 drops peppermint essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops rosemary essential oil
Whisk together all ingredients in a measuring cup. Funnel into reused shampoo bottle. Be sure to label. Use 1 or 2 squeezes per shampoo.
Natural Mint Toothpaste
6 tablespoons baking soda
1 tablespoon Celtic sea salt
5–10 drops peppermint or spearmint essential oil
1 tablespoon water
Mix together ingredients in a small plastic container with lid. Be sure to label. Use ½ teaspoon per cleaning. Use within three months.

Spearmint Mouthwash
1 cup water
½ cup vodka
10–15 drops of peppermint or spearmint essential oil
2 teaspoons aloe vera gel (optional)
5 teaspoons liquid vegetable glycerin (optional)
Bring water and vodka to a boil and then let cool. Add 10–15 drops of peppermint or spearmint essential oil and mix well. If you like, add in aloe vera gel and liquid vegetable glycerin. Transfer to a recycled mouthwash container and shake well before each use. Be sure to label. Use 1 capful per rinse.
1 cup coconut oil
½ ounce beeswax
1 ounce shea butter
1 tablespoon vitamin E oil
40 drops lavender essential oil
1 tablespoon zinc oxide
Mix coconut oil, vitamin E oil, beeswax and shea butter together in a double boiler. Let cool. Stir in essential oils and zinc oxide. Store in small recycled jars (baby food size) jars with tight fitting lids.
Natural Baby Wipes
Medium stack of heavy-duty organic cloths (30)
2 cups water
½ cup aloe vera juice
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons calendula oil or vitamin E oil
1 tablespoons liquid castile soap
2 drops lavender essential oil
Whisk all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Gently press down cloths into liquid so it is all absorbed. Place wet wipes in a reused wipe box with lid. Be sure to label.
Diaper Ointment
1 cup coconut oil (infused with 1/8 cup dried calendula flowers, 1/8 cup chamomile flowers and 5 plantain leaves,)
¾ cup shea butter
1 tablespoon vitamin E oil
15 drops lavender essential oil
1 tablespoon zinc oxide
Infuse coconut oil with flowers and plantain on low heat for 20 minutes. Strain. Mix coconut oil and shea butter together in the top of a double boiler. Let cool. Stir in essential oils and zinc oxide. Store in recycled shallow jars with tight-fitting lids.