Our mission at Permaculture Women’s Guild is to elevate the voices of women in permaculture, and one of the ways we do that is by hosting our own online magazine. We have sections on gardening, homesteading, design strategies, social permaculture, and a huge section full of rants, opinions, politics, and more!
Want to write for us? Go here.
For Beginners
Getting Ready for Lambing
Lambing indoors is easier to deal with emergencies quickly. It also protects the newborn lambs from foxes.
Social permaculture
Small-scale farmers — not lab-based foods — can help save the planet
Over the past few decades there has been a consolidating of power and control in the food system into the hands of a small group of agro-chemical corporations, we need more small-scale farmers to produce healthy organic food.
Book reviews
Permaculture design

How to Join Permaculture Women’s Guild
We are here for you! Join our courses, join our email list, join our forums, and join the conversation.