
A Design Cycle Application: GOBRADIMET

Buddhist Meditation and Regenerative Culture
By Dido Dunlop Our hearts and outer world grow hearty together…

Hierarchies vs Networks

Strength and Resistance à la Woman
Learning a new way of living from an elder Iranian farmer…

Gardening Diversity in Our Lives and Our Communities

In-Situ Composting in Your Garden

Finding Permaculture in Iran

The Most Vulnerable even More Vulnerable Now
COVID-19, time to embrace complexity By Luiza Oliveira As expected,…

What is permaculture? A definitive FAQ for newbie permies in 2023 (with awesome illustrations!)

Front Yard Gardens: Rules for Growing Food Out Front

Do you want to teach permaculture? Here’s what you need to know.

Why should farmers get subsidies?

Green Tara, The Ecofeminist Goddess, Shows Us How To Embody Regenerative Culture
By Dido Dunlop Green Tara is a role model, to…

Book Review: Permaculture Design Companion by Jasmine Dale

The time I visited the oldest ecocommunity in Spain By…

What’s so permanent about permaculture?

How To Organize a SkillShare and Shift the Culture of Your Community

A Long Way Home
By Helen iles It’s early morning. The sun is already…

Emergent Herbalism; plants, people, and culture

Thank-you India
A report back from the International Permaculture Conference and Convergence…

Design Thinking: Cultivating a Designer’s Mind

Women in Permaculture: Why should you learn permaculture from women?
By Silvia Di Blasio “I raise up my voice — not so…

On urban permaculture, eco-activism and co-creation of space with non-human animals — a conversation with Becky Ellis

On permaculture, entitlement, and that pesky third ethic: all aboard the elephant in the room
By Heather Jo Flores “Contact with the soil reminds us…

Decolonising Permaculture: a Welsh Perspective

Transition Economics: Principles of Financial Permaculture

Howling at the Moon: Communication and Connection for Healing the Pack

Permaculture and Emergence: An Introduction to Design

Principles of Presence:
Applying Permaculture Design and Integral Theory to Personal Development By…

How to collect Feedback, the art of Evaluation and Renegotiation

Emergent Design ~ Finding the White Tiger
By Jennifer English Morgan “Design creates culture. Culture shapes values.…

The Elephant at the Front Door: A Designers Approach to Shadow Work
By Jennifer English Morgan Crash, clatter, smash, tink, tink. A…

Food Not Lawns! How and Why to Turn Your Yard into a Garden
By Heather Jo Flores and your neighbor’s front yard…and the…